Informative related to article 13 of Privacy Code (law 196/03).
(Legislative Decree year 2003 no. 196 published in Official Journal no. 174 dated 29 July 2003 Ordinary Supplement no. 123)
Informative related to article 13 of Privacy Code (law 196/03).
(Legislative Decree year 2003 no. 196 published in Official Journal no. 174 dated 29 July 2003 Ordinary Supplement no. 123)
Treatment purpose
Data treatment will be implemented in order to:
I. execute subscribed service;
II. execute law or regulation duties and/or specific regulations;
III. sending advertisement and information material;
IV. Ducale 30 S.r.l. safety in court.
Compulsory nature
All requested data are necessary and compulsory.
Treatment modality
Data will be treated mainly with information technology instruments and stored on digital support, on paper or on every other suitable support, in respect of minimum safety measures determined by Disciplinare Tecnico regarding minimum safety measures, Attachment B of Privacy Code-
Subjects susceptible of personal data communications
Personal data related to the treatment can be communicated also to subjects with recognized access authority to Your personal data given national, EU laws and secondary regulations.
Data refusal consequence
In case of missing compulsory data, the person involved would not benefit from requested service.
Interested person rights
In relation to personal data treatment pursuant to Privacy Code, article 7, (personal data right to access and other rights), interested person has right to:
i. obtain confirmation of the actual existence of personal data about the interested person, even if not registered yet, and their communication in intelligible form.
ii. Obtain indication of:
a) origin of personal data;
b) finality and treatment modality;
c) applied logic in case of electronic data treatment;
d) personal details of holder, responsible and delegate pursuant to article 5, comma 2;
e) subjects or subject categories who may receive personal data communications or that may become aware for the role of delegate in State territory, responsible or appointed.
iii. Interested person has right to obtain:
a) data update, correction and, if interested, integration;
b) cancellation, transformation in anonymous form or block for data treated violating law, included those that do not need storage in relation to gathering and treatment purpose;
c) statement that operations mentioned in points a) and b) have been brought to the notice, including for their content, of those whose data have been communicated or spread, except for impossibility to fulfillment that may be also due to an employment of resources manifestly excessive compared to protected right.
iv. Interested person has right to oppose, totally or partially:
a) for legitimate motivations tied to his personal data, if relevant for gathering purpose;
b) to treatment of personal data about him aimed to advertisement material delivery or direct selling or for market research completion or commercial communication.
Data treatment holder is Ducale 30 S.r.l. – VAT no. 04128770965, in the person of its legal representative.